Picture this a million dollar budget, panning into you shots, and boosting your color. Ok now add ridiculous snowboarding. Seth Huot's part is the opener and sick. Really good street stuff. Followed by Andreas Wiig. I'm just starting to wonder if there was going to be any mountain riding when Wille Yli-Luoma's part came on. Crazy night time back country! Shawn White's night pipe session looked like it belonged in an 80's movie, I mean that in a good way... really. If you ever saw RAD you'd know what I mean. Jussi's part, I mean come on it's Jussi. That dude who rides for Nitro I forget his name, he's good. Heikki Sorsa is in this video. Andre Beriau isn't. Jeremy Jones has very red pants and the ender. Well not really, but you'll see. So, good video first full one I've watched this year. It has crazy good production quality. I felt like I was watching a Fuel tv commercial. I think it made me want to be a cinematographer more than it made me want to snowboard. SPK