Saturday, January 24, 2009

Women ride pipe

At this point the women's pipe comps are way more fun the watch than the mens. These girls are ripping and they're starting to go big boosting airs over the 10ft mark. Kelly Clark even threw a 900 at about 10ft that resulted in hefty face smack. Gretchen Bleiler went for a big 900 also resulting in a heavy slam knocking her out of 1st place and out of the comp. The reason it's more fun to watch is because these girls are progressing and trying new things pushing the limits in the comp and as a spectator you get to be part of the experience. -SPK

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Snowboarding is the best. Let's stop global warming to save this sport.
Gretchen Bleiler is the dopiest! She rules!